What is the Best Pickled Thing??

It’s that time of year! Everyone with a garden is pickling or canning something. And I’m HERE FOR IT. Growing up my family was the same. We canned, we pickled and filled those shelves of the cold storage room to the brim. And because you can pretty much pickle / can anything, the options are pretty much endless. My Grandma even used to can cobs of corn! So resourceful 🙂
We did a Pickled Draft a while back. But Kendra had to step in for Clayton because he hates pickles or anything pickled (Eyeroll)
Beets are my Numero Uno. Those were a staple with every single meal when I was growing up. That sweet earthy-ness….I love it! I’ve even been into pickled Okra (imported by my Aunt & Uncle from the US)
A friend of mine, her mom pickles lettuce…I feel like that might be where you draw the line?? – Stacie

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It's that time of year! Everyone with a garden is pickling or canning something. And I'm HERE FOR IT. Growing up my family was the same. We canned, we pickled and filled those shelves of the cold storage room to the brim. And because you can pretty much pickle / can anything, the options are pretty much endless. My Grandma even used to can cobs of corn! So resourceful :) We did a Pickled Draft a while back. But Kendra had to step in for Clayton because he hates pickles or anything pickled (Eyeroll) Beets are my Numero Uno. Those were a staple with every single meal when I was growing up. That sweet earthy-ness....I love it! I've even been into pickled Okra (imported by my Aunt & Uncle from the US) A friend of mine, her mom pickles lettuce...I feel like that might be where you draw the line?? - Stacie